I am in the south of Israel and all I hear is sirens and children crying. The rocket launching from Gaza into Israel has started and Israel was forced to retaliate. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE GETTING HURT AND SO MANY HOMES ARE BRING DESTROYED. Why is this happening is the question that I am asked often. I have recently started taking public transportation in Israel. I love taking the trains and buses in Israel for several reasons. The first is that I love being around Israelis. Despite all the pushing and shoving that happens in all areas of life here, Israelis are real and direct. The bluntness was a wake up call for a naive Los Angeles born american boy. The second reason is that traffic is so bad in Israel that driving is pointless. Coming form LA, where my wife and I each had our own car, we never took the public transportation so needless to say this was a real culture shock for me.
Back to the point at hand….this conflict is not what most people think about. The outside world thinks that Israel is occupying the West Bank. It is actually quite the contrary. Israel is the only country in the whole world that is taking care of the Palestinian people. We provide them with everything that they need. It does not seem that way because HAMAS, a terror organization, is sucking the money and blood out of their own people. I will write more on this at a later time as I need to go and help my wife with our childrenBack to the point at hand….this conflict is not what most people think about. The outside world thinks that Israel is occupying the West Bank. It is actually quite the contrary. Israel is the only country in the whole world that is taking care of the Palestinian people. We provide them with everything that they need. It does not seem that way because HAMAS, a terror organization, is sucking the money and blood out of their own people. I will write more on this at a later time as I need to go and help my wife with our children.
“My first blog” by Shlomo Strugano https://link.medium.com/7jd1FTNpvV